Tuesday, October 13, 2009

#400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, an answer about the book, and my entry into BQF

I had a question about the book yesterday pertaining to the patterns.  Well the book doesn't have patterns exactly.  It has drawings of the block and names the blocks go by.  It is really a reference book.  Some of the quilts or blocks I show will will be ones that I have worked up myself, like today's and the previous peekaboo, while others maybe antiques I have in my colection.  You will have to wait and see as my adventure evolves.

Todays quilt is the one from my blog header on my other blog, Adventures of Bear Creek Quilter.  I call it JaAmy L. The name came about as the quilt is made with Amy Butler fabrics, the Jacob's Ladder block and quilted with a pattern I learned from Jamie Wallen

Sorry about the lighting, it is a rather gray day here.  This quilt is my entry into the fall BQF, a wonder internet quilt show.  Now let me get back to explaining the pertainence to this blog.  The block used to make this quilt,

it is a variation of 6 different block explainations in the book, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, and 405.  While I called it a Jacob's Ladder block when making the quilt, it also goes by the names Road to California, Stepping Stones, Tail of Benjamin's Kite, Underground Railroad, Trail of covered wagons, Wagon Tracks, Rocky Road to California, and Rocky Road to Oklahoma.

This quilt is mine, I love it use, I wash it in the wash machine and throw it in the dryer.  The backing is a large piece of muslin that I hand dyed purple.  It gets better with every wash.

You can kind of see some of the quilting in the next few pictures, I tried my best to be able to share it with you.  The quilting is done all freehand with no marking.  It is just right off the hip, what ever comes into my head next.  Hearts that are feathered, echoed, filled and swirls.

Enjoy and Thanks for visiting.

a close up of one of the hearts

some more of the texture created by the quilting.


  1. A very pretty quilt, I love the soft colors! :-)

  2. Love your soft-coloured quilt!
    Thank you for sharing.

    @ Loose Ends

  3. Fun colors and I love Jacob's Ladder Quilts. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Beautiful quilting! And fantastic quilt. thanks for sharing!

  5. i wish i could see the quilt in person. it looks fantastic in the pix.

  6. Very pretty quilt. Love the colors.

  7. oh it's just gorgeous! I love the purple backing!! and your quilting is wonderful! so nice to "meet" you!

  8. your quilting is wonderful! the quilt is so pretty! i LOVE the idea of dying muslin. i bought a bolt of it awhile back...now i know what to try next!

  9. I recognize some of those fabrics! ; ) I've used them in a quilt or two of my own. I LIKE your taste!!! Your quilt has a beautiful vintage feel. The quilting is nicely done & I do LOVE the texture from use and washings. Thanks for sharing!
